How to monitor kids watching TV ?


Let us start with, How much TV do you watch? With a variety


of programs running day and night sometimes it is difficult to keep your self un-infected with TV viewing. Unquestionably, there are some outstanding programs on television from time to time. It is important to keep a check on what and how much your kid is watching. Studies have shown that kids who watch TV for longer hours are more likely to show anti-social behavior than the kids who watch TV for not more than 2 hours a day. 

Admittedly, there is a possibility that our children could be considered “different” if they did not have a television set at home.they would be more happier, more communicative, productive, affectionate, relaxed, more responsible and socially acceptable.But this cannot be possible because we cannot imagine a home or family without a TV set.

So what is the solution? Many suggestions and views can be expressed. We cannot completely separate our kids from TV but a well followed schedule can help us monitor what and how much your child is watching.

Parents should sit with their kids and prepare a weekly TV guide with a list of programs that would be appropriate for kids based on their age. Next, allow time and date schedule for each program for each day. Then give your child 10 cards referring to various selected programs ( this practice will even enhance in making kids responsible). when each program is viewed a check mark or a hole is punched. Allow one or max two cards a day of one hour each. When all the cards are punched over a week, it shows that kids had watched enough TV. you can monitor the amount and quality of programs. This process teaches a child to be selective in what he views and teaches him responsibility as well as self – denial. This helps to establish judgement and value within the child. 

In addition to the program cards allotted to your child, there should be some ” bonus” programs which should be watched together as a family. This improves quality time spent together.

Other than restricting the child to watch TV another better way is to keep a child involved in other activities. Find out what your child is interested in, it could be any sport, art & craft, dancing and music or anything which a child finds more interesting than watching TV. Equip a child with more of educational toys and games, and not to miss the importance of outdoor games, playing in the park with peers.( Nothing works wonder than this)

It is noted that following above such schedules is helpful in keeping kids away from TV (willingly) specially on school nights and to restrict on weekends to not more that 3-4 hours.

By practicing the routine for TV viewing you would observe the effect with some youngsters almost immediately. You would notice a marked improvement in their behavior. They concentrate better and are more able to follow directions and get along better socially.

As parents we can choose to a larger degree most of what is input into our children’s minds. When we have a positive input we have a positive output.and contrariwise.


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